Old Growth Wood Mantels makes TWO distinctive LINES of mantels. Old Growth Wood Mantels & Mendota Mantels. The fireplace mantels below are available now.
Old Growth Wood Mantels

OLD GROWTH WOOD MANTELS are made from rare historic antique reclaimed timbers originally logged in the mid to late 1800’s. Most are AT LEAST two to three hundred years old. Each beam was part of a building for over a hundred years, now demolished.
Old Growth Wood Mantel 1240
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$1,350.00White Pine Beam with Curved Ends. Natural finish.
Beautiful white pine timber with lovely pronounced knots. Smoothly finished. Would work in traditional, log, or even contemporary setting.
Old Growth Wood Mantel 1269
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$1,200.00Hand Hewn Live Edge Front. Stained lighter brown.
Lots of character in this piece. Hand hewing markings, cracks, checks. It’s got it all. Live edge naturally contoured front and original old hand hewn top and bottom. We sanded it lots though so it’s nice to touch. This old timber definitely shows it’s antique history.
Old Growth Wood Mantels 1231
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$1,650.00Hand Hewn Front and Bottom with Smooth Milled Top. Natural finish.
Nice example of one of Olde Growth Wood’s signature pieces. It shows it’s antique rustic history while being practical with it’s smooth clean top and modern finish. Fascinating to imagine the 1890’s farmer hewing this timber and dozens more by hand with his adz tool.
Old Growth Wood Mantels 1232
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$1,200.00Basic Beam Style. Stained hickory color.
Straight forward beam with beautiful knots. Lovely finished very smooth with five coats acrylic poly. Unique color.
Old Growth Wood Mantels 1233
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$1,300.00Circular Sawn Hardwood Beam with Star Hardware. Medium brown stain.
Nice thick timber that shows it’s age by it’s circular sawn markings. Some character. Original star hardware from the Big Jo Flour Mill, Wabasha, MN., 1874.
Old Growth Wood Mantels 1235
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$1,800.00Hand Hewn Timber with Open Top Mortise. Natural finish.
Good example again of one of OGW’s signature pieces. Note the original hand hewn mortise and peg. Smoothly milled top makes for a shelf that’s easy to clean and maintain, yet it still shows it’s true rustic history.
Old Growth Wood Mantels 1236
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$2,100.00Large Rustic Timber with Original Pegs and Mortises. Stained golden color.
Huge sturdy authentic piece that really shows off it’s strength. Original pegs and mortises. Lots of rustic hardy character. Beautiful color. Very deep shelf area to put lots of “stuff” on throughout the seasons.
Old Growth Wood Mantels 1237
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$1,800.00Early American Style Mantel with Corbels. Stained Black.
Good authentic example of an early American mantel shelf. Milled from old growth pine reclaimed timbers. Modest character. Aged black color with wear markings.
Old Growth Wood Mantels 1241
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$1,350.00Authentic Hardwood Beam with End Tenons and Antique Hardware. No finish.
This is pretty much “AS-IS” timber. We cleaned it up lots, sanded a bit, but kept it authentic because it didn’t want any more attention then that. The hardware was added and was reclaimed from the Big Jo Flour Mill of Wabasha, MN. 1874. This timber was circular sawn back in the day. It has very cool worm holes and some nice character.
Old Growth Wood Mantels 1242
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$1,450.00Large Authentic Timber. Stained brown.
This authentic timber has a very deep shelf for placing your art, photos, etc on top in every season. If you decided to inlay it into stone, you’d still have a nice deep top. It’s an honest basic fairly clean old timber that’s been finished with five coats of finish to protect it for another 100 years or so?! It’s big.
Old Growth Wood Mantels 1243
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$1,300.00Basic Beam Timber with Mortise and Pegs. Stained medium brown.
Here’s a nice basic honest timber mantel that’s been reborn from the reclaimed wood waste land. Original mortise and pegs. Nice color. Lots of visual history in this piece. Makes great conversation imaging where it came from and how it’s been used over the past 100+ years.
Old Growth Wood Mantels 1244
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$750.00Rustic Live Edge with Bark Front. Natural finish.
Looking for a very rustic shorter mantel with lots of character? This is it. It’s rare we can keep the bark on a piece, but this one insisted on keeping all of it. It has the original hand hewn bottom and top, which we sanded and filled to make it nice and smooth.
Old Growth Wood Mantels 1245
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$750.00Rustic Hand Hewn Shelf with Corbels. Stained brown.
This is a funky rustic shelf mantel with corbels. Just a bit under five feet long. Nothing fancy, but if you’re looking for a shorter piece that’s rustic, it’ll look great. Priced right.
Old Growth Wood Mantels 1246
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$1,450.00“River Sculpted” with Contours. Blue / Green Stain.
Softly sculpted to suggest water flowing. Nice lines – especially when the light hits it just right. It’s stained a light bluish green also to suggest water. Very pretty grain shows through the stain quite nicely. Unusual piece.
Old Growth Wood Mantels 1247
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$2,100.00Burned Black Douglas Fir with Reclaimed Ball Corbels.
Looking to make a creative statement? This piece is that – very rare/ unique design. Three or four stages of burning, then brushing created the cool grain texture. Reclaimed bowling balls were cut to create the corbels. It’s one of our favorite pieces.
Old Growth Wood Mantels 1248
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$1,200.00Basic Beam with Character. Stained medium/dark brown.
Authentic look from this reclaimed fairly large timber. Nice smooth top for functionality. Lots of aged character helps it really show it’s history. Deep shelf of 10″.
Old Growth Wood Mantels 1249
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$1,500.00Large Timber with Original Mortise, & Pegs. Stained Brown w Blue Tenon.
Need a massive shelf mantel that says “I’m the real thing”? This will work. Rare large dimension will make quite a statement and conversation piece. Nice color with stained blue tenon for something different.
Old Growth Wood Mantels 1251
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$1,200.00Weathered Grey Hand Hewn with Smooth Top. Weathered grey stain.
This natural “weathered grey” colored old hand hewn timber was milled to make for a practical smooth top. It’s functional yet still shows it’s old age. Authentic timber hand hewn by a Wausau farmer in the late 1800’s. Great conversation piece.
Old Growth Wood Mantels 1252
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$1,200.00“River Sculpted” Pine. Natural finish.
Nicely sculpted front and bottom on this moderately rustic piece. It still shows some of it’s aged character yet is smooth and pleasant to touch. Milled from antique historic reclaimed timbers.
Old Growth Wood Mantels 1253
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$1,800.00Live Edge Base with Carved Smooth Top. Stained deep brown.
We milled up a live edged timber to create the base for this two piece mantel shelf. The bottom we left natural and the top we milled smooth. Great texture and natural contours. Substantial size for lots to put lots of “stuff” on. Pretty “chocolaty” rich color.
Old Growth Wood Mantels 1254
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$1,800.00Live Edge Base with Carved Smooth Top. Stained deep brown.
We milled up another live edged timber to create the base for this two piece mantel shelf. The bottom we left natural and the top we milled smooth. Great texture and natural contours. Substantial size for lots to put lots of “stuff” on. Pretty “chocolaty” rich color.
Old Growth Wood Mantels 1255
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$550.00Rustic Basic Beam with Character. Natural finish.
Lots of old character in this basic timber mantel. Fairly rustic in appearance yet finely finished for functionality. Authentic look. Nice dimensions and composition. Modest price.
Old Growth Wood Mantels 1260
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$1,200.00“Lattice” Carved Front. “Parrisch Blue” stain.
This lovely blue mantel was carved on a CNC machine at the Hurley High School’s Northwoods Manufacturing Program by students. It wanted to be stained blue, so that’s what we did. Unique carving, unique color, for a unique setting.
Old Growth Wood Mantels 1263
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$1,450.00“Ellis Inspired” Craftsmen. Natural finish.
Another of our “Signature” designs inspired by the Craftsmen designer Harvey Ellis of the Stickley Company, circa 1910. This one is made from a reclaimed timber we milled up. Looks like pine, but also looks like spruce. Hard to tell. Either way, it has nice dimension and style.
Old Growth Wood Mantels 1264
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$1,200.00“River Sculpted Shelf”. Stained medium brown.
When the light hits this piece it shows off it’s lovely contouring. We love it’s brown color too. The stain took very nicely to the wood. Nice grain patterns.
Old growth Wood Mantels 1266
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$1,200.00“River Sculpted” Pine. Stained medium brown.
Pretty brown color and nicely carved contours. Could fit in a tradtional or modern / contemporary application seems to us. Nice composition. Nice lines.
Old Growth Wood Mantels 1267
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$1,200.00Chain Sawn Carved Shelf. Burned and stained light / medium brown.
We commissioned a young local artisan from Northwoods Manufacturing at Hurley High School to do a piece for us… Told him he was free to “do his thing”. Having grown up logging with his uncle, this is of course, what he came up with. Chain saw art! Reminds us of rocks. Unique. Different. Very nice shelf dimension too.
Old Growth Wood Mantels 1268
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$1,100.00Funky Rustic Mortised Timber. Weathered grey.
Looking for a very rustic old gnarly timber mantel? Then this should work. It’s seen a lot of life. Original Mortised front. Lots of texture. Authentic very old, very worn timber. Nice weathered grey color. Lots of coats of acrylic poly to smooth it out a little.
Old Growth Wood Mantels 1270
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$600.00Basic Funky Weathered Shelf. Grey stain.
Looking for an inexpensive mantel that is authentically rustic? This one might work. Frankly, we didn’t have to do a lot of work on it because it wanted to be left alone pretty much. Priced right. Nice big and deep top shelf for placing lots of “stuff” on. We know it’s old, but not sure of it’s original origin.
Old Growth Wood Mantels 1271
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$2,100.00Large Mortised Timber with Hardware. Stained black.
Crazy big timber for the right setting! Nice color. Lots of flat finish coats will protect it but it didn’t destroy it’s original authenticity. We love this piece! Nice size. Original mortises. Antique hardware hooks on both ends for fireplace tools. This piece has it all.
Old Growth Wood Mantels 1272
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$2,600.00Very Rare Grain Etched with End Hardware. Stained brown/ black.
It’s hard to know how just to describe this piece in words. It is big. It is rare. It is unique. It is beautiful. It is well made. It is historic. Its a terrific conversation piece. The “etching” on it was caused from over a hundred years of grain from the mill flowing over it. Both the ends have hardware to hang fireplace tools from that were reclaimed from the Big Jo Flour Mill in Wabasha, MN. circa 1874. Our shop consensus is that it is the best piece we’ve made this year. It feels good to say out loud that this is a very special mantel for a very special setting. It has it all. Nothing else to say.
Old Growth Wood Mantels 1274
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$1,450.00Live Aged Front with Tenon
Lovely example of one of our “Signature” mantel designs.
Flatly sawn top and bottom for practical modern function, but with original authentic front to show it’s true character and history. Natural finish.
Old Growth Wood Mantels 1275
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$1,800.00“River Sculpted” Doug Fir
Moderately sculpted to bring out grain and composition. Sanded smooth to 220 grit. Natural finish.
Nice honest piece for traditional, rustic, or contemporary application.
Old Growth Wood Mantels 1278
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$1,800.00“Craftsman Inspired” with arched corbels.
Dark brown stain on this four piece pine mantel. Nice finish. Inspired by turn of the century architect and furniture designer Harvey Ellis. Modern design uniquely made from antique milled timbers.
Old Growth Wood Mantels 1279
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$2,400.00Magnificently Aged VERY RARE Rustic Mantel. Dark brown / black.
I’ve been working with reclaimed timbers since 1999 and THIS is the finest example of naturally aged beams I’ve ever seen. If there was such a thing as a “Reclaimed Timber Museum”, this piece would be in it! I’ve been saving it for many years for myself, but my wife says “sell it!” For anyone that values what nature can do over time, this piece is for you. Wish I could take credit for it, but t’was Nature that made this piece.
Old Growth Wood Mantels 1280
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$1,650.00Rustic Two Piece Shelf with Original Hand Hewing.
Very nice example of how the barn builders in the 1800’s milled their timbers. Original hand hewing has been sanded nicely so it’s smooth to the touch but still shows plenty of it’s character and history. Stained dark brown. Lovely piece if I say so myself.
Old Growth Wood Mantels 1281
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$1,350.00Stained Pine with Hand Hewn Front and Bottom
Medium brown stain on this hand hewn piece brings out lots of character and reflects the light beautifully. Sanded smooth. Straight forward example of our quality hand hewing. Nice dimensions.
Old Growth Wood Mantels 1282
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$1,350.00Stained Pine with Hand Hewn Front
Medium brown stain on this hand hewn piece brings out lots of character and reflects the light beautifully. Sanded smooth. Straight forward example of our quality hand hewing. Nice dimensions.
Old Growth Wood Mantels 1283
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$950.00Architectural Arched Barn Brace. Mantel or Shelf
This is a very cool piece! It is one of ten similar that I have available.
It’s a perfect example of salvaged architectural timber. It was reclaimed from the “Bear Lake Farm” barn in northern Wisconsin. This magnificent barn was one of the largest in the entire state. Possibly in the entire world I’m told. Built by German Immigrants in the early 1900’s. This brace helped hold up the bottom floor where the milking cows were kept. I’ve milled it up some, planed off the old milk wash stain and sanded it smooth to bring out it’s wonderful grain
Old Growth Wood Mantels 1284
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$950.00Architectural Arched Barn Brace. Mantel or Shelf
This is a very cool piece! It is one of ten similar that I have available.
It’s a perfect example of salvaged architectural timber. It was reclaimed from the “Bear Lake Farm” barn in northern Wisconsin. This magnificent barn was one of the largest in the entire state. Possibly in the entire world I’m told. Built by German Immigrants in the early 1900’s. This brace helped hold up the bottom floor where the milking cows were kept. I’ve milled it up some, planed off the old milk wash stain and sanded it smooth to bring out it’s wonderful grain.
Old Growth Wood Mantels 1285
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$950.00Architectural Arched Barn Brace
This is a very cool piece! It is one of ten similar that I have available.
It’s a perfect example of salvaged architectural timber. It was reclaimed from the “Bear Lake Farm” barn in northern Wisconsin. This magnificent barn was one of the largest in the entire state. Possibly in the entire world I’m told. Built by German Immigrants in the early 1900’s. This brace helped hold up the bottom floor where the milking cows were kept. I’ve milled it up some, planed off the old milk wash stain and sanded it smooth to bring out it’s wonderful grain.
Old Growth Wood Mantels 1286
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Living on the shore of Lake Superior, gives me inspiration to now and again to sculpt a mantel that reminds me of drift wood beams that regularly float in and rest on our beach. That was my intention with this piece. I inlaid a few pieces of found beach glass to add a little more interest. It’s only 7″ deep so if you want to utilize the entire 7″ shelf top, simply add a two x board to the back, or “float mount” it our from your wall. (see FAQ’s Installation) It would be a nice mantel for a lake home!
Old Growth Wood Mantels 1287
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A straight forward honest shelf mantel for contemporary, traditional, or rustic setting. I burned it very slightly to blacken it some then a light coat of brown stain to further bring out the grain. Its pretty big so would work well in a larger room or one with higher ceilings. Moderate character still shows that it’s made of antique reclaimed timbers.
Old Growth Wood Mantels 1288
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$1,200.00RUSTIC OAK TIMBER Natural finish
This piece has lots of reclaimed character. I milled the top, back, and bottom square and smooth to show off it’s spectacular old grain, but left the front “natural” to show its reclaimed history. Nice piece for just about any setting – in my opinion, even a modern one. See FAQ’s / “Installation” for instructions on how best to mount it because it’s a bit heavy.
Mendota Mantels

MENDOTA MANTELS are made from new quality timbers that were recently logged and milled.
These timbers have been air aging for at least three years before we make them into our mantels however. This air aging decreases the likelihood of twisting or checking.
Mendota Mantels 1238
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$950.00White Oak Shelf. Natural finish
Clean very pretty white oak shelf with very nice figuring. Although it is not antique reclaimed, it has been air ageing for many years so it should be plenty stabile. Would be great in either a traditional or modern contemporary application.
Mendota Mantels 1239
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$1,200.00Black Walnut Shelf. Natural finish.
Very lovely clean straight forward shelf mantel made from thoughtfully milled black walnut. It has beautiful figuring. T’would look terrific on a modern contemporary fireplace wall. We love this modest piece here in the shop.
Mendota Mantels 1250
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$950.00Live Edge Bark Base with Milled Top. Natural Finish.
This is made from a piece of ash logged in the Appleton, Wisconsin area in 2006. It’s kept it’s bark which is a bit unusual. Nice aesthetics between the rustic live edge and milled smooth top. Would work in any setting. Modern to Traditional. Beautiful grain.
Mendota Mantels 1256
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$1,750.00“Ellis Inspired” Craftsmen Shelf Mantel. Natural finish.
We are very proud of this Mendota Mantel “Signature Design” shelf mantel. It was made from lumber milled from a huge black walnut tree cut in 2006. The Craftsmen design is based on the work of Harvey Ellis, the famous Stickley Furniture designer of the early 1900’s. Our own Dan Guion came up with the design some 15 years ago. We’ve sold dozens since. This one however, is the first made from air aged black walnut. Finished finely.
Mendota Mantels 1257
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$1,750.00“Ellis Inspired” Craftsmen Shelf Mantel. Natural finish.
We are very proud of this Mendota Mantel “Signature Design” shelf mantel. It was made from lumber milled from a huge black walnut tree cut in 2006. The Craftsmen design is based on the work of Harvey Ellis, the famous Stickley Furniture designer of the early 1900’s. Our own Dan Guion came up with the design some 15 years ago. We’ve sold dozens since. This one however, is the first made from air aged black walnut. Finished finely.
Mendota Mantels 1258
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$1,750.00“Ellis Inspired” Craftsmen Shelf Mantel. Natural finish.
We are very proud of this Mendota Mantel “Signature Design” shelf mantel. It was made from lumber milled from a huge black walnut tree cut in 2006. The Craftsmen design is based on the work of Harvey Ellis, the famous Stickley Furniture designer of the early 1900’s.Our own Dan Guion came up with the design some 15 years ago. We’ve sold dozens since. This one however, is the first made from air aged black walnut. Finished finely.
Mendota Mantels 1259
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$1,750.00“Ellis Inspired” Craftsmen Shelf Mantel. Natural finish.
We are very proud of this Mendota Mantel “Signature Design” shelf mantel. It was made from lumber milled from a huge black walnut tree cut in 2006. The Craftsmen design is based on the work of Harvey Ellis, the famous Stickley Furniture designer of the early 1900’s. Our own Dan Guion came up with the design some 15 years ago. We’ve sold dozens since. This one however, is the first made from air aged black walnut. Finished finely.
Mendota Mantels 1261
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$900.00Live Edge Big Ash. Natural finish.
Nice deep shelf top is perfect for inlaying into stone fireplace wall and still have plenty of space to put things on. Natural live edged front. Smooth top and bottom. Would work well in contemporary setting or traditional.
Mendota Mantels 1262
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$1,000.00Craftsmen Style with Corbels. Natural finish.
Straightforward Craftsmen design with staged corbels. Beautifully figured white oak. Twould be nice in a Craftsmen inspired home.
Mendota Mantels 1273
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$1,750.00“Ellis Inspired” Craftsmen Shelf Mantel. Natural finish.
We are very proud of this Mendota Mantel “Signature Design” shelf mantel. It was made from lumber milled from a huge black walnut tree cut in 2006. The Craftsmen design is based on the work of Harvey Ellis, the famous Stickley Furniture designer of the early 1900’s. Our own Dan Guion came up with the design some 15 years ago. We’ve sold dozens since. This one however, is the first made from air aged black walnut. Finished finely.
Mendota Mantels 1276
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$1,800.00Hand Carved “Early Winter Oak Leaves”
This piece was designed and hand carved by local artist Dan Perotti. Dan is famous around these parts for his huge historic portrait of historic miners. Also for his architectural carvings, paintings, and sculptures. We were lucky to convince him to do a piece or us!
Mendota Mantels 1289
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$850.00Figured Maple Natural Finish
I’m fortunate to live in a northern hardwood forest where I have access to extraordinary timber. A local logger/ miller friend of mine puts aside special unique logs that show the most beautiful unique figured character. Then he ages them for a year, mills them into mantel slabs instead of his usual boards, and passes them on – only to Mendota Mantels! I’m very lucky to know him! (Thank You John!)
This is one of those rare pieces. It’s a “Live edged” hard red maple.
For those of you who know wood, you’ll understand how special this piece is. For those of you who don’t know wood, just take a look, hopefully you’ll see how pretty, unusual, and unique it’s grain is. Not your typical maple slab mantel. If you want a rare one- of- a -kind mantel, this is it! On a scale of figuring from 1 to 10, this piece is a 8!
Mendota Mantels 1290
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$850.00Figured Maple Natural Finish
I’m fortunate to live in a northern hardwood forest where I have access to extraordinary timber. A local logger/ miller friend of mine puts aside special unique logs that show the most beautiful unique figured character. Then he ages them for a year, mills them into mantel slabs instead of his usual boards, and passes them on – only to Mendota Mantels! I’m very lucky to know him! (Thank You John!)
This is one of those rare pieces. It’s a “Live edged” hard red maple.
For those of you who know wood, you’ll understand how special this piece is. For those of you who don’t know wood, just take a look, hopefully you’ll see how pretty, unusual, and unique it’s grain is. Not your typical maple slab mantel. If you want a rare one- of- a -kind mantel, this is it! On a scale of figuring from 1 to 10, this piece is a 7!
Mendota Mantels 1291
Out of stock
$550.00NAME: Very Figured Maple Natural Finish
DIMENSIONS: 82-3/4″ long x 3-1/4″ thick x 9-3/4″ deep
SOURCE OF TIMBER: Northern Wisconsin Forest
SPECIES: Hard Red Maple
COMMENTS: I’m fortunate to live in a northern hardwood forest where I have access to extraordinary timber. A local logger/ miller friend of mine puts aside special unique logs that show the most beautiful unique figured character. Then he ages them for a year, mills them into mantel slabs instead of his usual boards, and passes them on – only to Mendota Mantels! I’m very lucky to know him! (Thank You John!)
This is one of those rare pieces. It’s a “Live edged” hard red maple. It’s VERY figured.
For those of you who know wood, you’ll understand how special this piece is. For those of you who don’t know wood, just take a look, hopefully you’ll see how pretty, unusual, and unique it’s grain is. Not your typical maple slab mantel. If you want a rare one- of- a -kind mantel, this is it! On a scale of figuring from 1 to 10, this piece is a 10!
$125 flat rate shipping to continental USA.
Mendota Mantels 1292
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$800.00Figured Maple Natural Finish
I’m fortunate to live in a northern hardwood forest where I have access to extraordinary timber. A local logger/ miller friend of mine puts aside special unique logs that show the most beautiful unique figured character. Then he ages them for a year, mills them into mantel slabs instead of his usual boards, and passes them on – only to Mendota Mantels! I’m very lucky to know him! (Thank You John!)
This is one of those rare pieces. It’s a “Live edged” hard red maple. For those of you who know wood, you’ll understand how special this piece is. For those of you who don’t know wood, just take a look, hopefully you’ll see how pretty, unusual, and unique it’s grain is. Not your typical maple slab mantel. If you want a rare one- of- a -kind mantel, this is it! On a scale of figuring from 1 to 10, this piece is a 8!
Mendota Mantels 1293
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$850.00Very Figured Maple Natural Finish
I’m fortunate to live in a northern hardwood forest where I have access to extraordinary timber. A local logger/ miller friend of mine puts aside special unique logs that show the most beautiful unique figured character. Then he ages them for a year, mills them into mantel slabs instead of his usual boards, and passes them on – only to Mendota Mantels! I’m very lucky to know him! (Thank You John!)
This is one of those rare pieces. It’s a “Live edged” hard red maple.
For those of you who know wood, you’ll understand how special this piece is. For those of you who don’t know wood, just take a look, hopefully you’ll see how pretty, unusual, and unique it’s grain is. Not your typical maple slab mantel. If you want a rare one- of- a -kind mantel, this is it! On a scale of figuring from 1 to 10, this piece is a 6!
Mendota Mantels 1294
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$950.00“Ice Blue” with matching corbels
I’m fortunate to live in a northern hardwood forest where I have access to extraordinary timber. A local logger/ miller friend of mine puts aside special unique logs that show the most beautiful unique figured character. Then he ages them for a year, mills them into mantel slabs instead of his usual boards, and passes them on – only to Mendota Mantels! I’m very lucky to know him! (Thank You John!)
This is one of those rare pieces. It’s a “Live edged” hard red maple. The live edge has been sculpted and sanded smooth.
I chose this color because it reminds me of the ice now melting on my shore line here on Lake Superior.
Mendota Mantels 1295
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$950.00“Maxfield Parrish Medium Blue” with inlaid faceted emerald and matching corbels
I’m fortunate to live in a northern hardwood forest where I have access to extraordinary timber. A local logger/ miller friend of mine puts aside special unique logs that show the most beautiful unique figured character. Then he ages them for a year, mills them into mantel slabs instead of his usual boards, and passes them on – only to Mendota Mantels! I’m very lucky to know him! (Thank You John!)
Mendota Mantels 1296
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$950.00“Purple Rain” with matching corbels
I’m fortunate to live in a northern hardwood forest where I have access to extraordinary timber. A local logger/ miller friend of mine puts aside special unique logs that show the most beautiful unique figured character. Then he ages them for a year, mills them into mantel slabs instead of his usual boards, and passes them on – only to Mendota Mantels! I’m very lucky to know him! (Thank You John!)
This is one of those rare pieces. It’s a “Live edged” hard red maple with matching corbels. It’s quite figured. Rare. I sculpted the live edge smooth as you can see.
I’ve long wanted to make a piece in honor of Prince. This is that piece – finally!
“Prince Purple”! Why not? It’s a pretty color in any case wouldn’t you say?
Mendota Mantels 1297
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$950.00“Bedroom Pink” with matching corbels
I’m fortunate to live in a northern hardwood forest where I have access to extraordinary timber. A local logger/ miller friend of mine puts aside special unique logs that show the most beautiful unique figured character. Then he ages them for a year, mills them into mantel slabs instead of his usual boards, and passes them on – only to Mendota Mantels! I’m very lucky to know him! (Thank You John!)
This is one of those rare pieces. It’s a “Live edged” hard red maple with matching corbels. I sculpted the live edge smooth as you can see.
It occurs to me that this would be a great soft piece for a bedroom….or….perhaps a very contemporary home. You might call it just a bit “avant-gardes”. Oh…pink..? Why not?
It’s a lovely color and why do mantels always have to be just wood grain anyways?
Mendota Mantels 1298
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$1,100.00“Maxfield Parrish light blue” with matching corbels
I’m fortunate to live in a northern hardwood forest where I have access to extraordinary timber. A local logger/ miller friend of mine puts aside special unique logs that show the most beautiful unique figured character. Then he ages them for a year, mills them into mantel slabs instead of his usual boards, and passes them on – only to Mendota Mantels! I’m very lucky to know him! (Thank You John!)
This is one of those rare pieces. It’s a “Live edged” hard red maple with matching corbels. I sculpted and sanded the live edge smooth as you can see.
This piece is quite figured. (thanks again for that John!)
Color reminded me of a color used often by one of my favorite artists. Hope I did it justice. I love the crazy rare beautiful figuring in this piece.
Mendota Mantels 1299
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$950.00“Natural Finished Craftsmen with classic corbels”
I’m fortunate to live in a northern hardwood forest where I have access to extraordinary timber. A local logger/ miller friend of mine puts aside special unique logs that show the most beautiful unique figured character. Then he ages them for a year, mills them into mantel slabs instead of his usual boards, and passes them on – only to Mendota Mantels! I’m very lucky to know him! (Thank You John!)
This classic craftsmen design is made from maple that has been milled to maintain some of it’s original character. I tried to authentically honor the great furniture American designers of the early 1900’s. Still and forever a classic look.
Mendota Mantels 1300
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$1,000.00Natural Finished Craftsmen with stepped corbels
My 1300th mantel! A mile stone.
I’m fortunate to live in a northern hardwood forest where I have access to extraordinary timber. A local logger/ miller friend of mine puts aside special unique logs that show the most beautiful unique figured character. Then he ages them for a year, mills them into mantel slabs instead of his usual boards, and passes them on – only to Mendota Mantels! I’m very lucky to know him! (Thank You John!)
This classic craftsmen design is made from maple that has been milled to maintain some of it’s original character. I tried to authentically honor the great furniture American designers of the early 1900’s. Still and forever a classic look in any setting.
Mendota Mantels 1301
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$1,200.00Natural Finished “Art Nouveau” with stepped rounded corbels
I’m fortunate to live in a northern hardwood forest where I have access to extraordinary timber. A local logger/ miller friend of mine puts aside special unique logs that show the most beautiful unique figured character. Then he ages them for a year, mills them into mantel slabs instead of his usual boards, and passes them on – only to Mendota Mantels! I’m very lucky to know him! (Thank You John!)
This piece is my attempt at a classic basic art nouveau design. My first attempt honestly.
I love how it turned out. Hope you do to. It occurs to me that this piece could work well in any home on earth. Just my opinion. Traditional, contemporary, or modern.